Monday, June 24, 2013

Little Baby Elephants

I only titled this "Little Baby Elephants" because I'm a little tired of trying to come up with puppy titles. And your puppies sound like little baby elephants when they stampede across the floor for a meal. Plus, they are the approximate size of little baby elephants.
And so are their poop piles.
(I'll try to keep the poop comments to a minimum this post. But it is difficult as the smell of it seems to be permanently burned onto the inside of my nostrils.)
Anyway, if you haven't let us know when you are coming to pick up your puppy, please do so now. (Yes. Right this second. Drop what you are doing and call or email NOW.) Just kidding. But do let me know. It should be somewhere between July 1 and July 6. I'll have your paper work and puppy ready for you. :-)
Now for pictures of your little guys and girl. These are just random shots taken in the last few days.
Here is one of the little fellas coming out of the back yard. (JUST KIDDING!)( But they are huge!)
Uncle Cooper teaching Bruce to dig. You're welcome.

Uncle Cooper teaching everyone else to dig. Again, you're welcome.

Having fun in the sandbox.

Will you still love me even if I dig like a mole?


You have a mosquito right...there. Got it!

What shall we do now?

I know!

Well, hello there, handsome.
Alice having some girl time with Mama.

Henry having some rough housing time with Uncle Coop and Mama.

Rod carrying Bruce and Earl out to their barn playroom. What big babies they are!

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