Thursday, November 29, 2012


Can you see him playing Tunnel with Nana?
Last night the phone rang. Well, not the phone, exactly. It was Skype and I was already on the computer, so I answered.
It was kind of dark when the video started, but I could hear enough snuffling,shuffling noises to know it was Max.
This was my view from the iPhone when Max left me to go get his toys

But where was he Skyping from? Turns out he "borrowed" his Daddy's iPhone and was secretly Skyping his Nana while hidden in a box.

Have I mentioned how much I love this boy?

We talked and laughed and pretend cuddled.

He sang me the Daddy song (Daddy, Daddy, Daaaady, you're my best friend!" Then he sang the Nana song )Nana, Nana, Naaaaana. You're my best friend EVER IN THE UNIVERSE!)

While we played "Tunnel", Max had to leave me a few times to go gather up important supplies such as his blankie, his Froggie, two books  and his Play-Doh.

Precious, right?

I went and got my pillow so I could lay my head on the desk while he cuddled in his blanket. He told me he was all warm and asked me to sleep in the tunnel with him.
Part way though a book Max was reading to me , I heard his Daddy looking for him.

Suddenly the top of the box opened and Josiah said, "Max, what are you doing in there.....Mom? What the heck?"
We all laughed pretty hard.

 Each time Max would leave to go get more things, he would close the box lid on me and instruct  me to wait for him.
 I did.
I would wait in the box all day, precious boy.

Note to self: No need to spend too much on Christmas presents for Max this year.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I need my own personal Annie Sullivan

I received these two sample packets of face cream last week in my November Birch Box. Just looking at the pretty pink color, I knew my face would glow with the freshness of a newborn. So I opened one of the packets and smoothed a dollop of the rich lotion on my face before I went to bed. It smelled like roses and, I'm not gonna lie, my skin felt smooth the next morning.
So, when I remembered, I would slather it on at night. Sometimes in the morning.
Everyday I would tell myself I should put my glasses on and get out the microscope so I could read the itty-bitty direction on the back of the packets. What if it said to apply only at night or to use under make-up?  How was I to know?
After four-five days of using it, I finally was able to remember to read the back. Here is what its said, "Soin emollient luminescent cheveux colores abimes..." Still difficult to understand. I think they put it in French because people believe it is of higher quality, and more luxuriant a product if the directions for use are first written in French. Oo la la! is it in English. Let's see..." Luminous, softening treatment masque (notice, not just a "mask.")  for high lighted or sensitized, colour-treated hair."

Mon Dieu! Sacre Bleu!
 I have been rubbing hair conditioner into my face day and night!

Note: If you come to our house to eat a meal, my feelings will not be hurt if you should check the expiration dates on anything I may try to feed you. I have not been able to decipher those tiny little number since 1998 or so.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Clap Your Snotty Hands!

So very sad when I have to try to remember my blog password because it has been so long since I have bothered to write a post.
So, so long ago.
So, so sad.
And sadder(is that a real word?) yet is the fact that I will be gleefully stealing someone else's blog post to post here.
It is a Christmas miracle that I can still type. Or spell.
Anyway, here is the post I have chosen to break my unintentional blogging fast.
All you mamas should love this.
Enjoy and Happy Tuesday.
God thinks you rock!