Friday, March 27, 2009

Ode to my Ice Cream

(sung sadly to the tune of "Seasons in the Sun" by one hit wonder, Terry Jack. Don't try to pretend you don't know it.)

Goodbye to you, my trusted friend.

We've known each other since we were nine or ten. (a.m.)

Together we watched T.V's realities.

Learned of love and calories,

blocked our hearts and clogged arteries.
We had joy, we had fun,
we had seasons in the sun.
But the ice cream and the song,
like the seasons, all have gone.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Movin' and Groovin' or Please Forgive me Lid

Honestly, could I have aged myself any more with the first half of that title? I think not.

So, in the spirit of moving for 30 minutes today I have absolutely no idea what I am going to do. None.

Reader Brenda is bringing my nieces over for their BIG SPRING BREAK FUN this morning. No Florida Beach house for them. Nope. They get Aunt Diane's house. Yahoo.You lucky,lucky girls.

I bet you think we are going to go sky diving, or mountain climbing right? Maybe we'll play with some of the furry farm creatures?

No. if we go outside there is a serious danger of drowning.We live in OREGON. In MARCH. The rain falls in torrents and buckets and rivers.

We are staying inside where it is it is nice and dry, well dry, and making bread. In the bread machine.

This will take approximately 3.7 minutes.

Then we will wait for four hours for it to finish.

Good times.

They'll likely remember this Spring Break as the best time of their lives. Yep.

But this post is supposed to be about moving for 30 minutes and honest to goodness all I want to do is move on over to the freezer and grab this baby out.

Oh, stop. You know you want some, too. The minute anybody mentions exercise, or calories or moo-ving, you know you are right there at the freezer door with me. And who am I kidding with that scoop? I won't lie to you. A big spoon, this little carton and some reality TV spell H.A.P.P.Y. to me.

Oh. and while I'm moving on over to the freezer allow me introduce you to a little friend I like to call "Heaven."

Because, really? No other name will do. The first time we met, my eyes rolled back in my head and I came as close to fainting as I ever have over a food product of any kind. I proudly introduce:Although, sweet mercy the Haagen Dazs makes me so excited that I dance. Still,sadly, no rhythm. Nothing seems to fix that little problem.

Why,oh why did they feel the need to create a "Reserve" blend? Was there really a "regular" Haagen Dazs? I wonder...

But then I tasted the above "Fleur de Sel Caramel" and ohmygoshIhavenowordstherearenowordsitwasTHATGOOD.


I have completely moved away from the subject of the post...which is supposed to be moving for 30 minutes. This post has taken me about 30 minutes.

I HAVE MOVED (off subject) FOR 30 MINUTES!! YaHOO!!!

One day down, 13 to go!!! This is way easy!

(Please forgive me Lid for being a bad example. I promise I will do some moving, (maybe even wogging!) today.

Thanks for doing this and encouraging us!!

These are a few of my favorite things

You know what I like?
Freshly washed, 600 thread count sheets on a good pillow top mattress. Sleeping in a room with the window open to the cold spring air and the sounds of softly falling Oregon rain while I'm bundled up in a down comforter.

Hearing the sounds of Rascal Flats sing "Life is a Highway" from the barn in the middle of the night because SOMEONE left the radio on out there. Again. NOT.

I think Rod listens to country music just because he has a barn.

I can say that just because I have a blog. And I am up in the middle of the night listening to his country music drift across the yard while he is gently snoring.

I suppose I could get dressed and go turn it off....
Complaining is so much more fun. Plus, it makes me sound kinda country.
I'm going back to bed.
Night, y'all.

BIG P.S. That was written at 1:04 am.
I couldn't fall asleep for H.O.U.R.S. I last looked at the iHome clock radio at 4:02. When I did, I seemed to hear Mandisa faintly singing about My Deliverer....hmmm. Strange.
That song would not be coming from Rod's Hillbilly Mecca out in the barn.....

But it WOULD be coming from MY ipod on the nightstand, volume turned so only a canine and someone trying to sleep and annoyed because they thought their husband left the radio cranked in the barn could hear it.

My bad. I may have blogged a tad too quickly. Rod snored through the whole thing.He obviously didn't leave his radio on. I left my iPod on. (Yes, Rascal Flats is on my Running play list on the iPod)
Don't tell him, okay. But this whole thing would make a mighty hokey country song someday. I'll work on it.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Face time

I got a phone call from my son, Josiah, this morning.

"Mom, did you see the picture Ashley sent over?"

"I sure did. It is now my desktop background. I love it!" I answered.

Josiah's girlfriend, Ashley, knowing how much he is addicted to he loves the Lakers, bought them tickets to a Blazer/Laker game for Monday night.

Needless to say, Siah was ecstatic with excitement and joy down with that.

Josiah went on to explain how if you look closely, you can see basketball star Kobe Bryant to the left of his head in the photo.

"Oh, uh huh." was my unenthusiastic reply. Because the total focus of my attention was not on Kobe, but on my son's happy face.

I don't care if Kobe or President Obama or Sasquatch is behind him shooting hoops. They all fade into the background for me as I gaze at the picture of Josiah and Ashley.

Don't you just want to pinch their cheeks 'cuz they are the cutest things you ever did see?

No? Maybe it's just me...The Mama.

I love seeing my son and his beautiful, sweet girlfriend.

That's it. I'm good.

This makes me think of our daughter Amy who is staying with us for a few weeks while she gets ready to move out of the state. We love to have her come through the front door after work,(especially when she brings home her Starbucks markouts.) and I am thrilled making food and snacks for her. Her face simply makes me happy. (and I am so kidding about the coffee beans.)

Here is a picture of her with an English Bulldog puppy. Sure, I enjoy a cute puppy. But look at my Amy!

Aren't we funny like that? We just overflow with ooey-gooey feelings of love when we see our kids. My face hurts from smiling that big, but I can't help it.

It makes me think of how God feels about us. I bet our pictures are on his fridge right now.
Or His desktop background.
Maybe He has a screensaver which rotates all our photos...?

It also makes me wonder what it will be like to one day see His face.

Think about actually See His Face. Doesn't this just make you smile, thinking about it?
Me, too


I totally enjoyed what Charles Spurgeon had to say about the subject.

they “shall see his face;” by which I understand two things: first, that they shall literally and physically, with their risen bodies, actually look into the face of Jesus; and secondly, that spiritually their mental faculties shall be enlarged, so that they shall be enabled to look into the very heart, and soul, and character of Christ, so as to understand him, his work, his love, his all in all, as they never understood him before.
They shall literally, I say, see his face, for Christ is no phantom; and in heaven though divine, and therefore spiritual, he is still a man, and therefore material like ourselves. The very flesh and blood that suffered upon Calvary is in heaven; the hand that was pierced with the nail now at this moment grasps the scepter of all worlds; that very head which was bowed down with anguish is now crowned with a royal diadem; and the face that was so marred is the very face which beams resplendent amidst the thrones of heaven.
Into that selfsame countenance we shall be permitted to gaze. O what a sight! Roll by, ye years; hasten on, ye laggard months and days, to let us but for once behold him, our Beloved, our hearts’ care, who “redeemed us unto God by his blood,” whose we are, and whom we love with such a passionate desire, that to be in his embrace we should be satisfied to suffer ten thousand deaths! They shall actually see Jesus.

Rev.22:4 "they shall see His face."

I can only imagine. But I'm yearning for that day. In the meantime, I'll gaze into the faces of my kids and smile some more. (It's my favorite.)