Honestly, could I have aged myself any more with the first half of that title? I think not.
So, in the spirit of moving for 30 minutes today I have absolutely no idea what I am going to do. None.
Reader Brenda is bringing my nieces over for their BIG SPRING BREAK FUN this morning. No Florida Beach house for them. Nope. They get Aunt Diane's house. Yahoo.You lucky,lucky girls.
I bet you think we are going to go sky diving, or mountain climbing right? Maybe we'll play with some of the furry farm creatures?
No. if we go outside there is a serious danger of drowning.We live in OREGON. In MARCH. The rain falls in torrents and buckets and rivers.
We are staying inside where it is it is nice and dry, well dry, and making bread. In the bread machine.
This will take approximately 3.7 minutes.
Then we will wait for four hours for it to finish.
Good times.
They'll likely remember this Spring Break as the best time of their lives. Yep.
But this post is supposed to be about moving for 30 minutes and honest to goodness all I want to do is move on over to the freezer and grab this baby out.

Oh, stop. You know you want some, too. The minute anybody mentions exercise, or calories or moo-ving, you know you are right there at the freezer door with me. And who am I kidding with that scoop? I won't lie to you. A big spoon, this little carton and some reality TV spell H.A.P.P.Y. to me.
Oh. and while I'm moving on over to the freezer allow me introduce you to a little friend I like to call "Heaven."
Because, really? No other name will do. The first time we met, my eyes rolled back in my head and I came as close to fainting as I ever have over a food product of any kind. I proudly introduce:
Although, sweet mercy the Haagen Dazs makes me so excited that I dance. Still,sadly, no rhythm. Nothing seems to fix that little problem.

Why,oh why did they feel the need to create a "Reserve" blend? Was there really a "regular" Haagen Dazs? I wonder...
But then I tasted the above "Fleur de Sel Caramel" and ohmygoshIhavenowordstherearenowordsitwasTHATGOOD.
I have completely moved away from the subject of the post...which is supposed to be moving for 30 minutes. This post has taken me about 30 minutes.
I HAVE MOVED (off subject) FOR 30 MINUTES!! YaHOO!!!
One day down, 13 to go!!! This is way easy!
(Please forgive me Lid for being a bad example. I promise I will do some moving, (maybe even wogging!) today.
Thanks for doing this and encouraging us!!
Can I just say I had people like you in my Weight Watchers classes when I was a leader. Total rebels. Aren't there alternative schools for people like you?? Oh well. I forgive. WWJD and all. Glad you're IN on the Challenge. Yes you are.
I just want to say thanks. Thanks a whole heap. A whole heap of Haagen Dazs, that is. I'll think of nothing else today except how long it will be before I can drive myself to the store and pick up a gallon (or six) of some Heaven!
Have a wonderful 30-minute increment kind of day!
good job of evading...that ice cream looks wonderful!!
when it's messy here, i "walk by steps" up and down from the 1st to the 2nd floor then around the circle (living room, den, hallway) then up the steps again...and I have the comfort of music in the background to keep my rhythm!
(just a thought...if you have steps)
you go, girl!!
p.s. i'd love to have your doggies to go with me on my walks!
30x5 :)
I'm not even a fan of ice cream, but when I see the words chocolate & peanut butter together, or the word caramel, even I will run for the freezer! Linda calls you a rebel. I call you a realist. Rise on!
"A big spoon, this little carton and some reality TV spell H.A.P.P.Y. to me."
We are soul mates.
I'm here to say, "Get after it today." And that rhymes, just for you. Ask not for whom the rhyme harasses; it harasses thee.
Hey! I joined the 2nd Cup of Coffee Challenge. Love your blog.
I'm sure your nieces will remember this spring break forever. Bread making is sooo exciting.
My girls spent their time at my work (funeral home) and cleaning yards and cars for my boss. Bet they are going to put this one down in the record books.
THe challenge started Thursday and it has poured rain ever since. I don't have a plan either. Pass the ice cream please.
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