But my running partner was there ready to go, as always.
I popped my ear buds in and turned on my ipod and called the dogs to start the loop, ignoring my partner. Like I said, I was mad.
And when it comes down to it, I blame him.
It has been one unbloggable, undealable, unhandable problem after another this week. Not one. Not two. Not even three. To make matters worse, now Rod and I are even fighting about it. In fact, I went to bed last night angry and watched American Idol by myself.(Now you KNOW it's bad.)
What am I supposed to do now?
Matt Redman is singing "oh no you never let go, through the calm through the calm and through the storm, Lord you never let go of me..." My running partner moves silently alongside me as the tears finally find their way out of my heart and I begin asking why.
My feet are pounding the trail and my ipod is drowning out the sound of my crying.
My running partner matched me step for step as I pounded angrily down the trail.
I shouted as I cried. Why would you let all this happen?
What am I going to do? I don't even know what to do. I don't know how to be. Why aren't you helping me?
And then, broken.
Don't you love me any more?
So much of it comes down to that for me. Still a little girl with big old abandonment issues.
My running partner has big shoulders and knows me inside and out. Sometimes I shout at him and cry. He knows that and loves me anyway. We have that kind of relationship. It's a
As we run, jumping over muddy puddles, my mind and heart begin to quiet and I am able to sing along with Nicole Nordeman "When the sun starts to rise and I open my eyes You are good, so good. With every breath I take in,I'll tell you I'm grateful again... You are good."
Before I know it, it is time to head for home. I have wrestled through my problems with my patient running partner and I am quietly ready to begin sorting out my stuff. I know I'll begin by reading some letters he wrote a while back encouraging me and others about just the kind of circumstances I'm in right now. He's a great guy. Seriously.
My running partner and I call the dogs before turning the last bend on the loop and heading home on the trail through the woods He made.
Hear me as I pray, O Lord. Be merciful and answer me! My heart has heard you say, “Come and talk with me.” And my heart responds, “Lord, I am coming.” Do not turn your back on me. Do not reject your servant in anger. You have always been my helper. Don’t leave me now; don’t abandon me, O God of my salvation! Even if my father and mother abandon me, the Lord will hold me close. Psalm 27:7-10
Thanks to Linda at 2nd Cup of Coffee for getting me going with running (and wogging) again for the last two weeks. I really needed the encouragement. Head over to her blog to read all the other 30x5 bloggers that have gotten a much needed boost from her!
Isn't it totally amazing that He can wog with me and then make it all the way across the country to go with you too?! And He NVER gets tired. Indefatigable, I'd say. Praying for you today.
Wow, great writing! Glad you had a chance to move it with a great partner.
This is absolutely beautiful... really well done, sis!
I could feel you both running in the woods together as I read this.
Congrats on doing the 30x5 and running, I could not run to save my life.
When we know our Savior, we are never alone. Such a comforting thought!
I love how real this is. Your honesty and your heart are all up in this post..Love it!(and you)!
Hugs to you. God is so good. Happy Easter. He is risen!
wow, in all sincerity you wrote SO MANY words & feelings i am on right now too. i just keep saying *WHAT IS UP WITH THIS GOD?* looks like i need to quit walking and start running. thank you for such beautiful honesty in this post.
Hope things are better today. I can relate to the abandonment issues so very much. It's no fun to struggle withthat internal conflict but you are so right, when we have the ultimte running artnent everything wil be all right.
cudo's for actually running, my knees are not so good so I have been settling for the elliptical. A friend and I have started working out in the afternoon and the hubby and I try to get a long walk in after dinner, exercise does seem to help the emotional roller coasters(darn't) why can't moose track ice cream be just as helpful, well it is helpful but in a bad sort a way, then you have to put in an extra 20 elliptical sessions to make up for it. Not an even trade in my book.
Hope things have evened out and you have found some peace for your turmoil.
I mentioned you in my post today.
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