I should have done this smaller group thing YEARS AGO. This is good stuff.
These two women speak truth into my life. Do you even know how important that is? It is like when I can't see out of the forest, they can see which direction I should go and give me scripture to guide my steps.
In a larger group, I have found that you tend to be....well, more polite. In our small group, we cut to the chase.
Because we all know each other that well, and love each other no matter what.
Have you noticed I am blessed by these women in this group?
We pray, cry, laugh, talk, read, study,encourage,uplift,point each other in the right direction and saw moulding together. Doesn't every small group?

I used to think I could stay up on my mountain with only my man and my dogs for company, wogging with Jesus every day. But He has given me more than that.
Thanks, my friends. See ya Tuesday. Oh, and it is not very fair that I post a picture of you and not one of myself, too.
Here is my most recent photo as I pray for you and your partying ways.

Ecclesiastes 4:12
Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.
Proverbs 25 :12
To one who listens, valid criticism is like a gold earring or other gold jewelry.
I have to tell yaw, I have been meeting with my accountability group for over six years, wow I can’t believe it has been that long. One of my sisters is skooots1mom over at My Hands… His Glory. I can not fully put into words the importance of these women in my life. For a while we were three strong and now we have four members. We meet every Thursday at our church and we encourage each other and more times than not, speak the truth in love with words that sometimes are difficult to hear, however I think the relationship that I have with these women is truly how God wants us to be with each other. We meet to talk about our week and we talk about how God has impacted our week and what scriptures we have been reading. It truly is something that I make time for, my week feels a bit empty if I miss my accountability group. We pray with each other each week and more times than I can count these women have held me up during some of the most difficult times in my life. One of the things I encourage women who are just beginning their faith journey it to seek out a small group. So I concur whole heartedly, I love my small group and it is my “won’t miss” appointment every week.
I have never been in an accountability group - I only know of guy ones around here. But have heard what a wonderful support they are.
Wow- this motivates me to get one of these going. Sounds awesome.
It's about time for me to form one as well. I've been a part of groups like this in the past, and those periods of my life are definitely richer and more productive, I would venture to guess.
Thanks for the reminder, testimony, etc.
Do you really live on a mountain?
Cracked me up, that last pic and comment. I feel the same way about my friends now, too, that I meet with weekly. And they're lushes, too.
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