Is it the snow that is falling and turning everything white again, even though it is SPRING and flowers should be blooming and I should be BBQing, not cooking navy bean soup with ham in an attempt to warm us up?
(This, my friends, is a fine example of a run on sentence.And I think I'll leave it be. I'm just that happy.)
No, it is not the snow.
Could it be because Lila is taking a doggy nap on the love seat, the same love seat that she is FORBIDDEN from ever sleeping, resting or snoozing on, let alone getting up on AT ALL? And she climbed up there when I went to go get the mail as if I wouldn't notice when I came back in. She is cat-like in her utter lack of guilt.

No, that is not why I am joyful, although taking the picture and showing Rod her complete lack of concern for punishment will be fun.
Wait...could it be? Could I be so happy because THE SANDALS HAVE ARRIVED? (Yes, I WAS shouting there.)
It is like when you meet certain celebrities in real life you say, oh my goodness,they are better looking in person than they are on America's Next Top Model CNN.

This phenomenon is true of THE SANDALS. Exquisite. Even with my winter white feet and slightly hairy big toes. And the wart on my baby toe? It must go away before THE SANDALS can be worn. Don't my feet sound frightening? And yet THE SANDALS can overcome all the sins of the foot. They are that good.
But no, that is not the reason for my joy, although it does boost my happiness levels to near record highs.
Before you ask, it is not the full cup of Starbucks Sulawesi in my favorite mug. But it does seem to warm my very soul.

No, these are all good things and contribute to my total happiness. But they are not the source.
I picked up my prayer journal this afternoon and read these words written yesterday concerning a tough situation I am battling at the jail. The words I used were, "bad, hopeless, and useless."
Today, I discovered that God had a plan the entire time. What Satan had no doubt meant for destruction and discouragement, God has used for good and for His glory.
I got to watch. The timing was perfection. The orchestration was flawless. It is absolutely astonishing to see how He cares for us.
Now I have more uphill battles at the jail to face, as we all do in our everyday lives.
But I know that all things work together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
I just forget sometimes.
God is good all the time. All the time, God is good. Yeah.
(if you are praying, please pray for Jail time Wedneday night and Thursday night bible study at the prison. Your prayers are SO appreciated by everyone involved.)
I am so thankful that you are able to experience the joy of God's goodness!
He is blessing your sweet efforts!!
I so very much envy your faith.
When I think I am being strong and weathering a storm, I read your posts and I feel so inadequate. The fact that I can say this to you with a smile on my face makes me wonder too.
It is such a joy to read you.
Know this:
If your faith fails you, write something here and it will inspire me to remain faithful.
Doggie cracks me up! He is living the life like my 2 live. Love the sandals...If you paint your toes a sassy color, no one will notice that wart on your toe.
I just had to tell you what an awesome person you are. I admire your dedication and work you do for the Lord.
Love the picture of your dog.
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