And what if me drinking this said cup of coffee helped a country like Burundi combat hunger and disease?
Can I get a woo to the hoo?
(It is WFMW(works for me Wednesday)and you can find lots of tips for what works for everyone at this link. There are some awesome ideas there! Join the fun and add your own link, if you want.)
Even though Heaven knows I've tried, I personally cannot possibly drink enough coffee to help the entire country,so I am hoping that some of you will join in my fun and help support World Relief by buying a bag or two or 27.
I received the email below from my brother-in-law Dan Brose, one of our family's original "Outlaws" and known to thousands the world over simply as "Grand Poobah of World Relief in Africa and Everywhere Else." That is not his real title, but his actual title is so intimidating that none of us will ever speak to him again if we think about it. But Dan knows firsthand what he is talking about when he asks for help for the lovely people of Burundi.
FYI, we ordered our coffee from the website (awesome website, by the way) and received it quickly. To be honest, I didn't expect the coffee to taste that great because , let's face it, I am a coffee snob. To my utter surprise we L.O.V.E. the "Dancing Child" blend and I can see my coffee addiction going to dangerous levels because of it.
Excellent stuff.
Love in a mug.
It is that good, people.
So, if you're a coffee drinker, and I KNOW you are, consider skipping on over (you're skipping because of the high caffeine levels in your blood) and ordering some of this fine beverage.
It's the least we can do, dontcha think?
Because every sip CAN matter.

In Burundi malaria and malnutrition kill more than 23% of all children before they reach the age of five!
World Relief is working hard to saturate a community of 243,000 people in central Burundi with simple health messages to prevent these senseless deaths. Volunteers are taught health lessons every two weeks, and they pass along the life-saving information to their neighbors. Due to a generous matc
hing grant, your gift will be matched three times by another donor!

Please join MyCauze in this effort to raise $50,000.00 for "Save the children of Burundi" by Dec 6 2008 .
You can help by making a simple change in your coffee consumption. Just follow the Web link in this e-mail to purchase award-winning Cauzal Coffee. Thirty-three percent of your purchase price will go directly to "Save the children of Burundi"! You will receive an order confirmation by e-mail and Cauzal will notify me of your support.
(And if you’re wondering how good this coffee really is, you’ll be happy to know that Cauzal Coffee’s roaster has been among the top two for Roast Magazine’s prestigious "Roaster of the Year" award two years in a row!)
Click here to visit my customized Coffee Shop page and order Cauzal Coffee now: http://cauzal.com/mycauze1242
Thank you so much for supporting MyCauze.
Daniel Brose and The Cauzal Care Team

Amazing that drinking coffee could get any better...but wait..it can. Drinking coffee and helping people at the same time....Big WOO HOO! I don't mind supporting that Grand Poobah guy either.:-)
First of all, coffee is my thing and Java is my language! I am ordering 4 because I am a Dancing Child that sees Hope rising over the Horizon's Dawn and tickling the Laughing Water.
Bring on the Java. I love to know that when I can't afford to write a check for "x" amount of money I can make an everyday purchase and make a difference at the same time.
thanks for sharing!!
Can I get a woo to the hoo?
Even in your serious and heartfelt plea for help for others, you crack me up!
I confess. I'm a javaholic. I love me some coffee. My doctor told me I could have "one caffeinated beverage per day." He didn't, however, say what SIZE that beverage had to be, so I drink my coffee out of a large birdbath. Hey, that's one beverage. It totally counts for "within the limits."
Anywho, I'm digging the idea of drinking some dark liquid gold AND helping Burundi. Thanks for the info.
Have a great day!
I'll have to totally check them out. Thanks for the info. That's a win-win if I ever saw one. :)
Your writing compels me to go check this out. Great post.
This is the my first visit yet I feel an instant connection because I LOVE your header! And I'd love to try this coffee, but I doubt they deliver to Africa, which ironically enough is where I am. (Nowhere near Burundi, though) But I'll send this on to some US friends. It's really good coffee? Strong, dark, etc?
Mmmmm. . . Coffee. Coffee and helping others. Quite the combination. I'll have to pop on over and check it out. This is perhaps the best "tip" I've come across! And a great laugh - woo hoo!
What a wonderful looking blog. (Plus, I love coffee myself)
Welcome to the CBO. What a blessing to have you with us.
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