There are several reasons fall is my favorite season. Pumpkin Spice Latte only being one of them. Beauty that defies description being another.
Look, God let me feel like a professional a content amateur photographer, capturing all the pretty at my mother and father-in-law's house the other day.

Are you enjoying the season where you are? What are your favorite aspects of fall?
Well, as your neighbor to the north, I can attest to the spectacular fall we are having. I lurrve the foggy, misty moisty mornings which turn into sunny, blue sky days, filled with all the colors in God's palette. It's been so amazingly beautiful.
My favorite things about fall are the colors. Growing up in CO, I saw beautiful Aspen trees, but very little else in the way of color, so I really appreciate living with all these trees. My gosh, the maples drop leaves which are literally dinner plate sized!
I also love the pumpkin goodness of this time of year, whether in lattes or spiced candles. Lastly, I love it for the anticipation of Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Happy fall to you!
Breathtaking photos! We don't get much in the way of color in N. Florida. But the color of the water in the Gulf is awesome- this is my faorite time of year to walk the beach. I love the cool mornings and less humidity!
I love fall and the changes that it brings.
Thank you for sharing such wonderful pictures.
Breathtaking view of the snow-capped mountain D!! One of my fav places I've ever visited is, hands down, Colorado.
Here in the Hoosier state, we have our share of "hills" in So. Indiana, but I'm thankful for the gorgeous maples and oaks and....etc. that turn a beautiful rainbow of colors this time of year.
I have to be honest and say that Autumn has always been my 2nd least favorite season and that's because it precedes my least favorite season. I grew up in sunny warm southern California, so I don't like the days getting shorter and colder. No good can come from that since that means cold and snow is not far behind.
That having been said, I do like the pretty colors on the trees. I just wish they turned those colors in June, or even April. LOL
LOVE your pictures! They are breathtaking!! I Loved..past tense the season where I'm at. Not so much anymore. It's now a little too cold for me. Say right now it's below 25 degrees. Brrrr.....& the leaves are all past and all over my lawn..waiting to be raked..guess I should get out there soon. They will not rake themselves..Oh how I wish they would! :) I love fall..All the different colors, smelling woodstoves, smelling the air..this time of year has a certain smell..scent to it. My area..Maine has so many beautiful trees, moutains, lakes and it's just beautiful, and I love every bit of it.
How absolutely beautiful Didi. Some day we will get to your part of the country!
Fall is my favorite doubt. I'm from South Texas, so now that I live in North Georgia, you'd better believe I appreciate these beautiful trees! I had never seen that before!
I also love anything that has to do with apples, caramel, pumpkin, cinnamon, or nutmeg in it. Yummmm.
Beautiful pictures, Diane!
My favorite part of Fall is definitely the food that comes with it. But I love the colors and the temperatures and the smells... Ok, just about everything.
My favorite part of Fall is definitely the food that comes with it. But I love the colors and the temperatures and the smells... Ok, just about everything.
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