When I left you last, on pins and needles, I'm sure, Rod and I were in the eye of the proverbial horse hurricane.
Yes, there is one. Now, shush and let me tell the story.
The horse part of our lives felt out of control. So much of our time and resources were poured into this hobby;horse.
(get it? Hobby horse? Ha! I slay me.)
Ahem. Anyway, we were noticing that rather than pleasure, the horses were bringing on feelings of guilt and entanglement.
Here's what I'm trying to say.

When we would decide to buy a horse, we spent hours and days and weeks studying the different breeds to help us decide what was best for us.
Then we had to spend hours and days and weeks traveling around searching for the right horse. Yes, we even traveled out of state a time or two.
Then we had to spend hours, days and weeks figuring out what saddles, bridles, brushes, shampoo, and feed to buy.

Then there was the day to day care and training for the horses. Hours, days and weeks.
Finally, there were the discussions. Hour upon hour of horse discussion.
Between Rod and I, and also between my good friend, (I'll call her Brenda) and I. It was our favorite topic and days would pass when we hardly spoke about anything else, so great was our love of horse discussions.
None of these things are inherently wrong. But our joy, our life, our treasure was spent pursuing our love of horses.It didn't leave enough room in our hearts for the God we told ourselves we wanted to worship. Most of our time and energy was used up "chasing" horses. It gave us our joy and motivated us.Until it became a burden.
We were still involved in church and related activities, but it was obvious where our hearts were. And where our money went.
2nd Kings 17:33 says "They worshipped the LORD, but they also served their own gods."
Yikes. And yet that is exactly what we were doing.
I wish I could say that we recognized this truth and acted on it, but all we knew at the time was that the horses had gone from supplying much of our happiness to overwhelming us guilt and a loss of control. We had sour stomachs.

One day, as were were loading our barn up with hay for the winter, we abruptly decided to sell everything. The horses, trailer, camper and saddles.
The swiftness with which everything went took our breath away.
Within a very short time, it was all gone.
(Saying good-bye to Kisses and Drifter as their new owners prepared to take them away.)
Although me missed our animals,we felt released from our self-imposed horse prison.
Does this mean we think horses are bad? Not at all.(Except for a few we have known.But that's a whole other story.)
Anything that becomes an idol to us, whether a hobby, a relationship, career paths, blogging, (!!!)even a church position or program can potentially become an idol, or small god.
Kelly Minter, in her book "No Other Gods, Confronting Our Modern Day Idols" says this, "Ah, yes. I have wanted some darn good things a bit too much a time or two. Good things that ultimately become controlling things. Things I bowed down to, perhaps not literally, but with every other piece of my being."
John Calvin put it this way,"The evil in our desire typically does not lie in what we want, but that we want it too much."
This is what Rod and I were guilty of.
Using Rod's bad back as a partial excuse, we got rid of the "thing" that had taken us over.
We needed some time away to get some clarity and regain a right perspective. An eternal perspective.
Randy "my friend" Alcorn, (yes,I'm name dropping.) in his book "The Treasure Principle" quotes C.S. Lewis, "We are halfhearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at sea. We are far too easily pleased."

Here is Rod, in the process of changing our barn into a garage.
This has been a year of real changes with regards to horses in our lives. We are both committed to working at not letting anything come between us and the One True God.
He is so good to us, and has so much more for us than the joy we find in horses, and as I type this I am overwhelmed again with love for Him.
Tune in soon for the last installment of Horse Tales. I think you'll be surprised how it all ends.
Below you can see Rod saying good-bye to his baby, Drifter. Enjoy!
Now see? Posts like that should come with a Kleenex-needed warning at the beginning!
The video of Rod with his baby was heartwarming and sad all at the same time.
While I KNOW y'all did the right thing, imaging how hard it was to say goodbye to the horses makes me sad. Knowing our awesome God though, I'm sure He was pleased with your choice to refocus on Him. There is blessing in obedience, and I can't wait to hear (read) the rest of the Horse Tales.
Thanks for sharing so candidly. I have been encouraged today.
So now comes the part where you get your horses back, right? You laid your Isaac down and I know God was so pleased by your obedience! Wow that must have been so difficult. I don't know if I could have done it.
I would so love to give that baby horse a hug. Do horses like to be hugged? But anyway, great story, great pics, and very important lesson for us all! Thanks for sharing it.
~Carol (i throw like a girl)
Didilyn, you jest but I am on pins and needles...are you awake yet? Post ready yet?
I'm waiting.....
I can't imagine! It was so hard for me when we gave away animals that I did not have for very long. They kept buying me dogs and I was so scared, now I am such a dog person!!!
Chel (btw, I thoroughly enjoy you!!)
DidiLynn, I did a post about "I See What You're Saying" yesterday, and I forgotten to mention you! I specifically wanted to, because I thought your video was one of the most fun. I was introduced to your blog through ISWYS, and I'm really enjoying it.
seems like offering anything back to God is tough. like money for us this week! and i'll, *ahem*, be honest...mine can be blogging. so this post has added more fire to my pit as i look at what gods i have and what i should do about them.
gee thanks for the conviction...cuz that is what TRUE friends do for us! cuz they love us.
i am anxious to hear the end of the story!!!
You guys really followed your heart and will be rewarded for that.
Great post you always keep me thinking.
I just finished the 3 installments and what a powerful story. I know of which you speak... not with horses but other things. Like when you own your won business. It's way too easy to get caught up and end up somewhere other than you intended to go. May He always be our first love.
I just finished reading the "Treasure Principle" and that quote stuck out to me as well. Good for you!
Thanks for stopping by and commenting :)
Ahem. My glasses are not crooked in that picture. I think that all of those Cheez-its are finally getting to you.
I'm with Linda above,who wonders about her blogging in the same way. I'd hate to have to give it up, but I would have to, just as you two did your beloved horses.
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