Maybe you've noticed that I'm not Lucy (but I do Love Lucy), and I don't have 'splainin' to do, but 'plainin.'
As in "complaining."
Snow falling from the sky is pretty.
Snow that makes it difficult to live my life? Not so much.
We have around 3 feet. Of snow.
This amount of snowage buries your vehicles, knocks out your power, which then freezes your water pipes. The horses still need food and water, which now must be hauled from the creek. In buckets. Through snow drifts so deep I can't see my big dogs in them. This is getting to be hard work.
I can't make cookies, or wash anything, or make coffee. I know. COFFEE. (I'll leave the memorial service details at the end of the blog.)
And do you have any idea how many cords of wood I hefted into the house in the last few days?
Also, I may be hormonally challenged today. Good timing, don't ya think? Just sayin'.
I was supposed to get my hair done today but had to cancel that appointment and now my shaggy hair keeps hanging in my eyes and face and until I want to scream.
Bad hair does happen to good people.
I haven't been taking this trial in stride. Not even close. I'm sure I'm a doll to be around. Just ask Rod. Or pray for him. That would be appreciated.
I haven't been turning to the Father who loves me and replenishing my quickly dwindling supply of peace, joy, patience, grace or love.
I've been letting the snow win.
So I give up.
I give up our electricity. I give up my idea of my Christmas celebration and the worries of traveling to relatives homes. Big sigh of relief. These are not my worries after all. I'd just forgotten.
Back to the foot of the cross to lay it all down again, and in return replenish my dwindling supply of peace. Joy. Patience. Grace. Love. Jesus.
What a deal.
I am more than thankful.
Merry Christmas, all.
(added: Power is back on, pipes are fixed. I love LIGHTS!)
Yikes! That's a lot of snow! I'm glad power is back on. I hope you stay warm.
Merry, Merry Christmas!!
I feel your pain! I would so totally freak out with that much snow and cold weather! Down here in the south there is a major "melt down" when there is even a hint of snow, then even the smallest amount of maybe 1/2 an inch send everyone into a panic.
Glad your pipes are fixed and your coffee has been restored.
No Coffee = Real Crisis
wow...that's a lot of snow! :( to maybe..make you feel just a little bit better...we've had 4 storms in a week and a half with # 5 for tomorrow...# 1 was lots and lots of ice..here in Maine we had at least 215,000 people without power. # 2 a little bit of snow a few inches...# 3 was yet more snow...about 6 inches and # 4 yesterday was....over a foot..what a mess to clean up......tomorrow's storm will be a mixture of everything..gotta love winter!!....Merry Christmas to you!!!
Ok now I feel like a big ol' baby 'plaining about my foot of snow. We haven't lost power - yet anyhow. I grew up in So. Cal so my husbands knows I will be a grumpy Gus all winter long. That's just how it is. LOL
Merry Christmas!
That should read...husband. Not plural. Last I checked I was only married to one man. Although, there was that one weekend in Vegas....hhmmm. I better check on that. :P
How are you blogging without electricity? I had no idea that Dena was a polygamist. You think you know someone.
Great pics here. I have missed you. My life has been crazy. If you love lucy you may want to check out Lessons I Learned from Lucy. I am trying to encourage her to write more often. We are going to do an I Love Lucy retreat for her church this Spring. I can't wait. I re-wrote the vegameta...commercial for her to use as advertisement for it. I can't wait to see it. :-)
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