Rainy,you are so right when you say it seems like we always have a fun time together. I realise how blessed this makes us that we just enjoy being together.
Here is a picture of Janae and her new squeezy cheeked baby girl, Eliana. They are keeping their eye on all the yummers.

Adam and Becki Meyer and their two rascals, Isaac and Caleb. (Amy told me she wants Isaac for Christmas. Becki readily agreed. Hmmm.)

Here are a bunch of the guys chuckling over our newest member, Malachi Meyer. We loves our babies!

Three girlies that I adore to pieces. Kaitlyn, Ashley and

Winner of the best Christmas shoes! No doubt. They are bright red underneath. As cute as the feet that are in them! (Amy)

Hark! Angels appeared and we were blessed by Christmas carols they sweetly sang to us. And we didn't even have to watch sheep out in the cold!
Christmas chaos.

Hollie and Macie Meyer.

Rachel recently agreed to join our family by becoming engaged to our Andrew. Our family just keeps growing. Welcome, Rachel!

Two Aunties with babies. Reader Brenda is the pretty one. I'm the smart, kind-hearted one.
Eliana and Malachi are the real babes, though.

This is just plain fun. And funny. Hollie "Mary" Meyer and her husband Luke "Joseph" Meyer reading us a paraphrased version of the Christmas story. Hollie can't see worth a hoot and so borrowed Eric "the Shepherd's" glasses. Which seemed to make things worse for poor, blind Mary. She stumbled through her reading. Luke didn't help as he thought reading in a Middle Eastern accent would heighten the entertainment value of the Christmas story. When his accent slid into Latino territory and then just stayed there, we all died laughing. It was hysterical, amigas. Seriously funny. (Cheila and Renick are supposed to be wisemen. Yes, Renick scares me,too.)
It was almost as funny as the following little scenario. Here's the back story: We all knew we wanted to do some sort of Christmas "program". But some family members voiced some concern about putting others on the spot, say, if we were to go around the room and ask everyone about the best present they ever gave, or something similar.

This is just plain fun. And funny. Hollie "Mary" Meyer and her husband Luke "Joseph" Meyer reading us a paraphrased version of the Christmas story. Hollie can't see worth a hoot and so borrowed Eric "the Shepherd's" glasses. Which seemed to make things worse for poor, blind Mary. She stumbled through her reading. Luke didn't help as he thought reading in a Middle Eastern accent would heighten the entertainment value of the Christmas story. When his accent slid into Latino territory and then just stayed there, we all died laughing. It was hysterical, amigas. Seriously funny. (Cheila and Renick are supposed to be wisemen. Yes, Renick scares me,too.)
It was almost as funny as the following little scenario. Here's the back story: We all knew we wanted to do some sort of Christmas "program". But some family members voiced some concern about putting others on the spot, say, if we were to go around the room and ask everyone about the best present they ever gave, or something similar.
Not everyone likes to be the center of attention
. In fact, they run away from it with as much panic as if a pack of rabid cocker spaniels were chasing them down.

So, rather than focus on family members, Tambry got the brilliant idea of focusing all our attention on the NON-family members present that evening. Our guests.
Here is where she brought them all up to be questioned, poked and prodded. Have you ever seen a more relaxed looking group? NOT!
I'm sure our guests were grasping the true meaning of the Spanish Inquisition Christmas spirit and can't wait to return next year when we will probably have a pirate theme and make them all walk the plank. Which a few of them would look forward to more than being grilled by the Meyer clan.

Matt and JanaeMeyer Wolf and sweet baby Eliana who is showing that she is indeed Number One.
Cousins Macie and Caleb playing with new toys. Okay, Macie is probably trying to grab it away from Caleb, but it is a still photo and we can pretend they are playing nice.

Matt and Janae

All in all, it was a fun celebration. Being a part of this family is getting better all the time. As we looked around and saw all the young people, young married families, and oh my goodness, all the roundy-eyed babies, we are grateful and excited to be here. Right where God put us.
Thank you, Lord.
WOW! You had a houseful! It looks like a good time was had by all. Our Christmas day festivities were fun as well but on a slightly less crowded scale. My son and his new girlfriend came over and there were the five of us around th table for dinner. We had a board game after dinner, lots of laughing and all in all it was a very pleasant day.
Merry Christmas and
Blessings for the New Year!
Ok a couple of things I noticed...
1. What a houseful - LOVE IT!
2. The Christmas shoes - Love them so much I have to admit that I am coveting them, just a bit.
3. You just have to love babies and small children at Christmas.
4. Your Christmas pagent sounds like so much fun!
Thanks for sharing your awesome pictures.
Squeezy cheeked, roundy-eyed number one Eliana is something else. They are all sweet and cute, though. You have some interesting original names in your fam. Love "Tambry," for instance. Looks like a beautiful family at a beautiful holiday. Thanks for sharing, "amiga." I am so proud of that word I just said.
Looks like so much fun!! I LOVE family gatherings. Thankfully, we are also blessed with family members who get along well and truly enjoy being together. Our celebration was fun, but certainly with fewer peeps than all you Meyers!
Glad it was merry. Thanks for sharing!
Happy new year to you, dear one.
You are one funny lady, and your family is a hoot! The little one that was sleeping on her parents' lap, all sprawled out like she owned the place...hilarious!
And those SHOES! Oh.my.word. I don't think I've seen such an adorable set of foot ornamentation! :-) I usually can't wear things like that though because I tower over everybody like the Empire State Building.
Have a happy new year, sweet friend!
what a sweet family!! I loved looking at all of the pictures~ Happy 2009!!
Looked like a perfect family celebration. I love how you guys formed your own entertainment. Happy 2009!
It is so fun being on your blog.
Those are such cute pictures!!!
P.S The picture of Macie and Caleb is soooo funny!
Looks like a wonderful Christmas celebration. (Love Amy's shoes)
Hope you have a wonderful New Year as well.
What a wonderful post! Looks like you had a fabulous Christmas family holiday!!! Loved all the babies!!! A new generation coming up! The little ones are all so beautiful!!! God's gifts for sure!!! Loved all your pics!!!
Wishing you and yours all a wonderful 2009 with good health, fun times and many blessings!
((( HUGS )))
What an amazing Christmas........
And, you know. You Meyer's do live on the Hood. Having a Wolf as part of the family, isn't such a bad idea!
And, what's that about "rabid Cockers" ? Not the brightest of dogs, but have yet to see one that wasn't too scared of his tail, to become rabid. Now, Mini Schnauzers? Different story. Personally.........If I ever get my house.........I want one of YOUR puppies!
Happy New Year Didi
You look pretty and skinny! :) Looks like a wonderful time; a wonderful family.
Please tell me what all the food items are in the first picture, and which one was your favorite.
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