Mommies cleaning up poopy-covered bottoms. Sometimes hands and faces and siblings.
Mommies having to take care of everyone and everything until they are burned out. All the way.
I remember those days. I hear you. I get it.
But in my stage of life, those memories make me nostalgic. They bring tears to my eyes. They make me want to give you a gentle reminder that this season will be over before you are ready for it to be.
Then you will be looking through pictures like I did this morning after my "wogging" (which,btw, turned into "crogging." Crying+wogging ="crogging.")
So, take pictures. Today.
I didn't take nearly enough. Not even close. (this was well before digital.)
And sometimes we took pictures like this:

And this:

Why,oh why? Did we really think we would want to see the FISH we caught? And the view of the lake? It hasn't changed for thousands of years. What were we thinking?!
We could have taken more like this:

And this:


Enjoy taking care of them as only Mommy can do.
Treasure each moment, because, before you know it, you'll be looking at the pictures of these days, wishing you could go back,
just for a minute,

to wipe a sticky cheek,
read a book,
ride the first bike,
open presents,
blow out candles,
pray together,
kiss little faces goodnight and tuck into bed.
These are good times, Mommy Bloggers. And I know you know these things already, but it never hurts to have a reminder.
Hold on a second. Rod just called. He wants to go see "The Hulk" at the cheap movie theater tonight.
But I need to hurry and get a sitter and clean up the house.
Oh, that's right. No I don't.
No kids and the house is still clean.

I totally agree with you! I look back and miss those days. They were hard but I do miss them.
You made me tear up and bop you in the head all in one post. Pretty good.
Or WANT to bop you in the head. I guess technically I didn't bop you. Darn those fingers that type too fast.
Having just gone through oodles of old pictures from my "Growing Up Jenny" years, I can tell you that the pictures of the lake and the fish ARE special and meaningful! I found some pictures of the mountain we lived on when I was little. Now I can actually SHOW my dear husband what only my mind's eye could remember. And part of the fun going through those oldies was looking at the things we chose to photograph and thinking about what was going on way back when.
Sage advice to the Mommy Bloggers indeed. Cherish it all!
Thank you for the reminder. This is the best piece of advice I got from all the older moms when I was pregnant with my first. Thousands of pictures and 12 years later, I'm so thankful to be able to look back to when my olders were younger - even now with lots of littles still under foot.
OH, and if you're feeling nostalgic for the face wiping, book reading, toddler chasing years... come on over, I'd LOVE to share!!
What a wonderful post!!! And how true, too!!!
Life certainly does change once those little ones grow up and leave the nest. I understand completely about "crogging." I pull out old photos every now and then and go back to those days, with teary eyes.
Yes, there were rough days when we wondered if we would ever make it raising the kids, and now here we are, looking back...sad that's it over and wanting to go back to those days. Now I understand what my mother was trying to tell me all those years ago.....
(((((( HUGS ))))))
Oh I am so with you on this one! What I'd give to have my kids small again. I miss their younger years something fierce. I have a lump in my throat right now just thinking about it.
It seemed like forever when I was going through it but now it seems like it was only a flash in time. What a great post and wonderful words to the young moms out there.
Thank you for the reminder.
It always makes me sad to hear mothers wishing away the years with their kids!!
Thank you for this post. I will heed your advice, Diane. Thanks for doing what women in your position are supposed to (Titus 2..I think).
I am already realizing how fast my time is in this stage of life and I hate that.
I cannot believe this post. First of all, yesterday I was jogging/walking, and I thought, "You know, I should just call this 'slogging' and post about it." Can you believe this? Secondly, you are SO right about taking those pics of the kids and not the surroundings alone, etc. And ... moms usually do not like to be in the pics themselves, but they should be. They should be.
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