Not just believing IN God, but actually believing God. Believing that He is who he says He is and will do what He promises to do.
Linda (or Lidna) over at 2nd Cup of Coffee and I decided we wanted to work through this Beth Moore online bible study together.
Then we thought, maybe a few of you would like to join us in our endeavor of Believing God.
Every Thursday, for the next nine weeks Linda and I will take turns posting about that particular week's lesson and more importantly, hear from you about what you took away from that lesson and how God is moving in your life and circumstances. I am so excited about doing this! (So don't let me down.)
Go to this link to view a sample lesson, hear Beth Moore's personal invitation (see, it's not just me and Linda!) and sign up, if you so choose.
You can copy our "Believing God" button here(top right sidebar) and put it on your own blog, so others can join in on this journey of faith-building.
We're looking forward to diving into the study and have high hopes that my reader (that's you,Brenda) and Linda's 6,253,998 readers will jump in and learn with us. (Linda insists she doesn't have such a large readership. But, if she doesn't, she should. She is that good.)
Sound fun? Sound like an adventure that God might want you to take part in?
So,go already. Sign up now and do your first week's lesson, then meet us back here this Thursday July 31.
We'll be here.
**Thanks Lindsay for making the "Believing God" button for us. You're the best!!
What am I, chopped liver? I'm a faithful reader.
LOVE Believing God! Best study I've ever done.
Don't know why I'm telling you that; you probably don't even remember I exist.
I really loved Believing God when I did it a few years ago!
You will enjoy it, I'm sure!
Oh thanks...no pressure, I am sure you listed all of your readers/sisters-in-laws names. Oh wait, you didn't...just MINE! So, you don't think the "others" might need this study as much as me? LOL I doooo looove Beth Moore!
There's a little something for you over at my blog. :)
Hi Diane,
This is my first time on your blog...it's lovely! You're using some of my favorite colors!
I just posted a comment with Lidna over at 2nd Cup and told her that I started this Believing God study at our old church and never finished it. Pitiful, huh?
So I think I might just join you! Nice to meet you. See you on the e-side!
Hi Diane,
I sooooo needed this 1st video segment. Excuse whilst I pick my mouth up off the floor...ok, I am back. I tell you I just got out of Moses and started in Joshua and told someone the other day that I knew God had a word for me there. He has already started!! Wow!! Go God Go!
Chel, The Abiding Branch
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