I made the afternoon decaf (Verona Bold from my own personal angel from the 'Bux, Amy) and saw I was out of milk.
This will not do at all for the afternoon pick-me-up.
So I headed out the door.
But Chopper and Lila looked at me with their passive/aggressive "We'd like to go so much but we know we are too much trouble and you'd never take us."

In a devil-may-care mood, I said "Come on, let's go!" to my faithful bullmastiff companions.
They jumped in the back of the SUV and we were off.
At the store, I bought milk and a few other items totaling $80.00. (my word, groceries are expensive!) before heading back to the car.
Walking towards it, I could see a slight movement through the privacy glass in the back of the SUV. The dogs had seen me, even though I couldn't see them. They were starting to wiggle around in anticipation of my arrival.
They made me smile just thinking about them.
Before I could stop or even edit myself, I heard my voice calling to the dogs from clear across the parking lot. Using the obnoxious sing-song voice people use when talking to their beloved animals, I shouted " Who's the poofy strangers? Are you the poofy strangers? Where are Mommy's poofy strangers? Who are the best poofy strangers?"
(Quick sidebar: Could I explain why we call the dogs "poofy strangers?" Probably. Will I? I don't think so. Just accept it. Don't judge on us.)
I saw the whole SUV shaking and knew the Choppy and Lila were now knocking each other over in their excitement and glee. It just encouraged me to completely disregard my public surroundings and keep calling to them; the dogs no one else could see because of the almost black privacy glass.
The family in the in the Subaru watching and listening to me calling out to the "poofy strangers?"
Not so much.
I gave mountain people a bad name. Again.
I did that same thing with Shiloh not long ago. She decided, however, that to make her whole-body-wagging excitement even more special, she'd also bark. Loudly. People were looking around trying to figure out where "that dog" was because they couldn't see her. I was laughing so hard by the time I got to the car. Dogs. What fun they are and what joy they bring.
And just for the record, I'm originally from the mountains, too. Guess its in the breeding. ;)
We were once all Poofy Strangers until by FAITH we came into the fold.
You made me laugh out loud! I love that you took your little sweeties along...
I can picture it. And I'm laughing.
Your dogs are beautiful! They look so stately! They get to be just like your children, don't they?
I was raised with a boxer and a chow. The chow turned mean, so my dad gave him to a guy who lived way up in the country where the dog was free to run, and he lived a good life there. We received an update several times a week until the dog died years later.
Our boxer was such a grand old gal! I am going to do a post one her one day. She had been abused, not beaten that we know of, but she was chained on a very short chain in a cold garage with nothing but the concrete floor to lay on! Not even a rug for her! And it was wintertime in northern PA!! And no heat in that garage!!!
Also, when we went to look at her, it was 10pm, and the lady said, "Oh, I forgot to feed her today." Can you imagine forgetting to feed your dog??? Needless to say, my dad said he'd take her, and she came home with us, got a bath ASAP and crawled up on the bed with my parents and slept! She never had it so good. She sure loved my dad!!!
(((((( HUGS ))))))
This is my first visit to your blog but I am sure it won't be the last! This cracked me up!!
My Tobi loves to go places with me and she can always tell when I'm going to say yes to her "begging to go" looks. Then she starts doing jumping circles all over the place. Aren't dogs a great gift from God!?
Your comment on Queen B's last post caught my eye and I popped on over. I was not disappointed! You tell an awesome story and made me laugh right out loud.
And I'm totally jealous that you have two bull mastiffs. Other than the gallons of drool, that's a dog I'd love to own. Hey, how many gallons of drool per day would you say? Just curious!
oh. my . goodness.
i. am. gonna. die.
tears. streaming.
soooo funny.
Your poofy strangers are very cute. Much bigger than my beagles... hate the nose marks all over the windows...
I gasped this morning when I saw the pics of Chops and Lila. Our wee 'lil Dresden is the SPITTING IMAGE of his daddy, it's crazy! So handsome and statuesque, our boy stops traffic on a daily basis. He watches tv like his papa, and has a fantastically aromatic butt like his mama! Our boy can clear a room in 2 seconds flat. We are so proud.
Poofy strangers eh? We've come up with Drizzy Pop, Drizzle my nizzle, or Fashizzle if he's in trouble (which is never). Little Man is also a favorite. You should stop by for a reunion of the poofy strangers sometime, it would be a riot!
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