Thank you for sending all those
There have been so many offers, I'm not sure which ones to accept.
There are a few from fans overseas like this one from "Barrister Desmond Duru" (gosh that sounds vaguely familiar)
" am Barrister Desmond Duru.I am the personal Attorney to my Late client Engr.Lens Hector,a National of your country, a Contractor who used to work with Chevron Oil and Gas Company here in Nigeria before his demise. Before his death which took place On Saturday,4 May 2002,my client,his wife and their two kids were involved in the plane crash accident which unforntunately claimed their lives,via the ill-fated E.A.S Airline crash."
I agree that this is a sad story, but the good news is, he wants to split their inheritance with me 55%-45%. And he never would have heard of me, if not for your blog. Thanks "a million" Cindy!
Then, there were a plethora of offers for diet programs (what did you tell them?!), EDS drugs, and apparently there are dozens of Christian singles waiting to meet me. I guess you forgot to mention my marital status.
But the offer I am most excited about is the modeling offer!
That's right, Cindy, this is Big Time. My rain drenched photograph was fierce, baby!
Now all I have to do is hire a stylist, a photographer, pick one out one of those diet plans and make a portfolio. The modeling agency is sure they can help "make all my modeling dreams come true!"

Here is a snapshot Rod took this morning, More of a "natural" look, I think, as I hadn't showered or even brushed my hair(or teeth) yet. "Blue Steel", don't you think?
I know, we love it, too.
And I have you to thank for all of it, Cindy. I won't forget "the little people" that made it all possible. You're a treasure, my friend.
Still praying for Brian,
I KNEW you had a huge future in modeling!! And that natural shot DEFINITELY will make you famous. You are very welcome for helping you get your start.
But... if for some reason it doesn't work out, I will be willing to give you the sum of $17,500,000 (Seventeen Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars)that a woman emailed me about this morning. It appears that her late husband (who died after a brief illness of only four days) worked with MULTINATIONAL OIL COMPANY,KUWAIT PETROLEUM CORPORATION.
Cross my heart, hope to die, I will send you ALL of the money when it arrives.
Congrats on making it BIG! (And that is not a reference to diet program offers you have been getting)
I have answered the questions about you. I'm glad that Cindy pointed me your way, you seem my kind of gal!
I hereby volunteer to be your stylist. Not that I have any style of my own or could impart any to you, it just sounds like a fun job. AND I'm thinking if I "get in on the ground floor" of this big modeling career, you might share some of those big earnings with me.
Blue Steel, baby. Blue Steel for sure.
I could be your makeup artist. I was thinking that we could make the runny mascara part of your new look. It will be Fab-U-Lous!
You crack me up! Your natural pose rivals the rain-drenched shot. I have a cousin named Brain, I mean Brian.
Hey, she got me here! Love that spankin' new hair do! Pretty spiffy. I just loved the Craigslist Kittie post....
looking forward to visiting
Deeper Still was wonderful. I'm very watchful of a post on the LPM's website for another one somewhere in the southeast. I'd love to go to one of Beth's. I loved Kay and Priscilla and they are very good together. The praise was AWESOME!!! I went with my sister and we shared so much that weekend. It was a God-ordained time. Hey, click on over to my real blog at
The Mom2Mom Ministry Blog will have a whole new look very soon. It's in the process of being designed but my personal blog is over at Homeschoolblogger.
See you around!
Oh, that post on the kitties almost had my hubbie wetting his PJ's.
Loved your glamour shot! You are so brave to post it! LOL I would have to put a bag over my head without my makeup on! LOL You sound like a sweet, easy-to-like person.
I loved the pics of "Snowman" in his hat collection! How adorable! I have cats...lots of them....33 to be exact! All indoors and free of disease and all parasites. All are spayed and neutered, too. Some are feral yet, but at least they are safe and clean and out of harm's way now. It's not as bad as it sounds...I have 12 in my large laundry room, 8 in my office and 13in my living area of my home. Keeps me busy, though! Just going to start the morning 2-hour job now of scoopin' and feedin'!
Have a great weekend!
Blue Steel all the way, Baby.
WHAT?! You mean to tell me that I am not the ONLY person who received a super secret e-mail from Barrister Desmond Duru????
Holy cow.
you and cindy are KILLING ME!
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