I don't know how to start this, and I keep writing and then deleting paragraphs because they don't communicate what I want to say.
I love these women. I love going to jail to see them. This is why I am here on Earth. Apparently, I belong in jail. :-)
Bringing desperate, unhappy, at rock-bottom people the Good News is a joyful pursuit. How many times have you been rebuffed when you attempt to share God's Word with your neighbors, or people in line at the store, or your own family members? Many times, these individuals are content with their lives.
Or at least can pretend to be.
Not so in jail. Broken lives and hearts and families, searching for some answer, any measure of peace.

I look in their eyes. Sometimes I see hostility, but mostly I see heart-ache and desperation.
I love them. And I have answers for them with me. I open up the Word.
"Call upon me in the day of trouble;
I will deliver you, and you will honor me." Psalm 50:15
"That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved." Romans 10:9-10
"But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves to God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life." Romans 6:22
That is exciting news! I can't help but be enthusiastic about it. I pray I don't scare anyone with my over-the-top exuberance.
Simple verses. Verses we know by heart, many of us. But an actual life-line to someone who needs rescuing.
We spend time unwrapping exactly what each of these verses mean. Then we hold hands and pray together.
This week one young girl with wild eyes and hair to match made a statement.
"I don't think I can be a Christian . The bar is set too high. I would fail. Church is not for people like me."
I could only smile at her. I understood where she was coming from. I came from there.
So I told the group my own story. The worst sinner I know. A murderer, liar, hypocrite and more. Deserving of hell. How I was rescued, by God, and by "Jesus with skin on." How he loved me, (even me!) enough to die a horrible death so I can spend eternity in Heaven, a place I can only imagine.
They were all in tears by the time I finished, but I saw hope in their faces. People will always try to argue with scripture and theology, but hardly ever do when you tell them what God has done for you.
These women are all in the process of deciding who to follow, themselves or the Lord. Please pray for them this week.

My fingers are hovering over the keyboard again, wanting to share with you the anguish of the prisoner who is 5 1/2 months pregnant, worried for her child. About the woman who's mom is dying of cancer while her daughter is in jail. About the woman is looking seriously at spending the rest of her life behind bars.
I don't know how God will answer each of their prayers. But I know that He says "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." and "Call upon me in the day of trouble and I will deliver you, and you will honor me."
I also know that each of these women will someday have their own story about how God rescued them (even them!) and will tell it gratefully and with tears in their eyes.
These women need you teaching them they are just like all of us - They are God's child worthy of His love and forgivness.
You are right when you said you were put on this earth because you belong in jail. You belong there to help these women find their way.
You're doing an awesome job for the Lord! Keping you in pray,
And all God's people said.... AMEN!
Like you, I was born to be in prison! I met my husband there. We got a lot of mileage out of that on our honeymoon. :)
Ministering to lost, heartbroken and hopeless kids who are incarcerated is for me a joy that knows no bounds. I hang on the verses you quoted as well as Ephesians 2, especially verses 8 and 9. Our salvation is a GIFT! A beautiful, unmerited, undeserved GIFT from God, and the darkness of our sin can't overwhelm the depths of God's love.
Thank you for what you do for these women. Thank you for your obedience. Thank you for ministering to MY heart today.
Pretty please move here and be my real-life friend.
I read it all- the links, your article. I cried for you, for Rod, for girls sitting in abortion clinics today. And I rejoiced, too.
Praying right this minute for your women in jail.
I think I adore you. :)
This is heartbreaking and truly inspiring at the same time...I'm praying for you, for your ministry, and for your ladies. Thank you for giving so much of yourself to share the word with the lost. If no one had ever bothered to try and share their story with me, I can't imagine what my life would be today...
Mrs. Staff Srgt....thank you for leaving me this note. You make me think that maybe we should hold a "Testimony Carnival." Everyone could link up with their own post about how they met the Lord, how He rescued them, what He did for them, where they would have been if they hadn't been saved....What do you think?I would love to read everybody's story. Should we go for it?
Thanks for making it so real to me...real people with horrific fears and no comfort, real people with feelings and names, just like us, except we have the love from Christ that frees us. I love praying for these gals, for their rescue and their story. Thanks for letting me be a part of your ministry vicariously through you.
What a wonderful way to honor God with the life he has given you. I am envious that your purpose is so clear to you. And I love the pictures in this post. Bless you for all you're doing.
Oh My Didi, you are truly an inspiration to more than just the women in the jail.
You have a wonderful ministry with these women. I like your idea of a testimony carnival. I participated in Testimony Tuesday a while back, but would love to share my testimony on my blog again.
Thank you for your sweet comments on my blog. I absolutely LOVE your idea of a testimony carnival, kinda like Big Mama's fashion fiesta, but with an eternal purpose. I love it!! I'll play!
Love your willingness to share your heart and testimony to these women. I was so touched by this post.
Thank you for sharing your story...their story. You are loving those the world has forgotten. Praying for your ministry and for those who's lives you are touching.
Amazing. You continue to bless my life through your blog.
What a wonderful ministry.
That picture...it just took my breath. My heart just aches for her.
What you are doing...is life changing.
This post was a blessing to me.
Thanks for sharing.
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